The gate to the English Hospital, on the Bluff, Yokohama, c. 1910. On the beam of the gate is affixed the Royal Navy insignia.
“TOKIO. March 12.— Sir Claude Macdonald, the British Minister to Japan, through Admiral Bridge, to-day tendered the Navy Department the use of the naval hospital ‘at Yokohama’ for the treatment of sick and wounded [Japanese] sailors. Vice Admiral Yamamoto, Minister of the Navy [and future Prime Minister], gratefully accepted the offer on behalf of Japan.
“The hospital is picturesquely situated in the extensive grounds overlooking the sea on the Bluff, the best part of the foreign residential quarter of Yokohama. It is completely equipped with every accommodation for 200 or more patients, and is the sanitorium for the sick and convalescents for all of His Majesty’s ships on the China Station.”
– Manawatu Times (NZ), May 04, 1904

Locations of foreign hospitals on the Bluff, Yokohama, c. 1907. That the three were identified by distinct nationalities had less to do with restricting medical treatment than it had to do with their beginnings as hospitals begun originally to treat their respective merchant sailors, of whom there were a great many more docking at Yokohama over the course of any year than the combined population of foreigners residing in the port city.