Exhibition of war trophy munitions and weapons, Marunouchi, Tokyo, c. 1906.
Gifu Prefectural Museum of Natural Resources, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture, 1908. (Colorized)
“Opening of the telephone office” commemorative postcard, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, 1907.
Fire Brigade Parade commemorative postcards, New Year’s Day, Tokyo, 1912.
Patriotic Women’s Association propaganda postcard series, c. 1940.
Naval Engineering College, Yokosuka, 1910.
Osaka Mint, Osaka, c. 1920.
Nakajima P-1 type night-mail delivery plane, 1934.
“Five Important Persons of the New Government”, commemorative postcard, c. 1910.
“The Miyagi, An Agricultural College”, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, c. 1910.
Early victories of the Great East Asia War, propaganda postcard series, c. 1942.
Kusushigatake Observatory meteorological station, Mt. Fuji, 1937.
Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby with Annapolis Naval Academy Class of 1881 alumni and wives, 1922.
“The Grand Chamber of Justice”, Supreme Court, Tokyo, c. 1930.
2600th Anniversary Founding of Japan commemorative postcard, Bureau of Crime Prevention, 1940.
“Temporary Occupation housing surrounds the Imperial Diet”, Tokyo, c. 1950.
“Hokkaido Imperial University”, Sapporo, c. 1920.
Naval Battles of Miyako Bay and Hakodate (May 1869), Boshin War commemorative postcards, c. 1930.
“The peace envoys of Japan and Russia at Portsmouth (N.H.) Navy Yard”, 1905.
“Ben Venuto”, Italian Fascist Mission Goodwill Tour of Japan advertising postcard, Tokyo, 1938.
Yamato Hotel, Dairen, Manchuria, c. 1930.
Dai Nippon Butoku Kai [“Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society”], Akita branch, 1906.
“Imperial Head-Quarters during the [First] China-Japan War”, Hiroshima, c. 1910.