“A passport is not needed in order to visit Kamakura and Enoshima, twenty miles below Yokohama. The railway train will take one to Kamakura (fare 45 sen first class; 30 sen second class) landing him near the Temple of Hachiman, an historic shrine where many famous relics are displayed. He may tiffin at the Kaihin-in, a hotel in a pine grove near the beach, famous for its cuisine and a popular resort for foreigners at all seasons.”
– East to the West: A Guide to the Principal Cities of the Straits Settlements, Japan and China, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore, 1898
“The Kaihin-in Hotel, a large modern establishment in the wide park, is popular with foreigners, and usually is the rendezvous for many motorists. Sunday dinners a specialty. English spoken. Beautiful beach at the rear. Broad balconies. Rates from ¥6 to ¥8 a day for two pers. in 1 room; discount for 2 weeks or more. Special rates for a long stay. Breakfast only ¥1. Tiffin ¥1.50. Dinner ¥1.75. Recommended: Fishing and boating trips can be arranged with the help of the manager.”
– Terry’s Japanese Empire, T. Phillip Terry, 1914
“And do not forget as you wander about the temples and other beautiful scenes about Kamakura that this quaint little fishing village was once the capital of Japan, from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. And wander you may freely. I have it on the authority of the Kaihin-in Hotel that the grounds are protected from the invasion of demons by the Ni O [muscular guardians of the Buddha], India and Brahma, who keep guard at the outer gate. Which goes to show that often in this perilous world we pass in security through great dangers without realizing to whom we are indebted.”
– Twice Around the World, by Edgar Allen Forbes, 1912
- Kamakura Kaihin Hotel, Kamakura, c. 1910.
- Kamakura Kaihin-in Hotel, Kamakura, c. 1910.