Exposition of Shining Technology, 1940. In an effort to bolster national morale, the 2600th anniversary of the founding of the Japanese Empire was celebrated in 1940. The special dating system (no longer used) was called koki, the Imperial Dating System. The first year assigned was 600 BC, the date given the mythical founding of Japan by Emperor Jimmu. The 2-sen stamp depicts the late General Nogi Maresuke, hero of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905).
See also:
2600th Anniversary of the Founding of Japan, 1940
Meiji Industrial Exhibition, 1907
Peace Commemorative Exposition, Ueno Park, 1922
“The empire of Japan in countless ceremonies this year [1940] will celebrate the 2,600th anniversary of the ascension to the throne of Jimmu Tenno, first emperor of Nippon. In modern cities, isolated mountain hamlets, and in more than 100,000 shrines scattered over the length of the islands, Japan will pay homage to the ruler history names as the founder of the flowery kingdom.
“From Feb. 11, the date on which Jimmu Tenno was enthroned 2,600 years ago, until Nov. 10, anniversary of the enthronement of Emperor Hirohito, the present ruler, more than 20,000,000 Japanese will engage in a period of pageantry.
“… Thruout the year, in order to reacquaint the Japanese people with the glories of its history, tableaux based on legend and recorded fact will be staged in even the remotest sections of the country … Comparatively recent events in Japan’s history will be restaged in ceremonial form. The coming of Commodore Matthew Perry and his Black Ships; the ascension to the throne of Emperor Meiji and the subsequent opening of the industrial era, and the growth of present day Japan will be symbolized in pageantry and picturesque ceremonies.”
– Chicago Tribune, February 18, 1940

Exposition of Shining Technology, 1940. Exposition pavilion and silhouette of Saigo Takamori statue at Ueno Park.
- “Memorial for the 2600th year of the Imperial Reign”. Exposition of Shining Technology, 1940.
- Exposition of Shining Technology, 1940. Exposition president Prince Naruhiko Higashikuni.
- Exposition of Shining Technology, 1940.
- Exposition of Shining Technology, 1940.