See also:
Duncan Academy, Tokyo, c. 1910.
Sarah Curtis Home, Tokyo, c. 1910.
Futaba-kai School, Tokyo, c. 1910.
Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, c. 1910.
Aoyama Gakuin, c. 1920.
“Another preventive work, in a small prefectural city and less dramatic, while more intensive, is that of Miss Anne Dowd’s Jogakkai in Kochi [Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku].
“For twenty years or so, she has been taking into a home dormitory [also known as the Carrie McMillan Industrial Home] poor girls in danger from their surroundings. They agree to stay four or five years and work their way, learning hand work and some school-subjects and receiving an effective Christian training. Of the hundred who have gone out from this home, all have been Christians, a number have married Christian workers, and many have established Christian homes.”
– The Woman and the Leaven in Japan, by Charlotte Burgis DeForest, 1923