“The Grand Chamber of Justice”, Supreme Court, Tokyo, c. 1930.
“The peace envoys of Japan and Russia at Portsmouth (N.H.) Navy Yard”, 1905.
Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff, 1936.
Koban (police box) system in Japan, c. 1910.
Ministry of Communications, c. 1910.
Teishin-sho (Ministry of Communications), Tsukiji, c. 1900.
Printing Office, Tokyo, c. 1910.
Imperial Household Department, c. 1910.
Japan Government Exhibit, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri, 1904.
U.S. Consulate, Yokohama, 1933.
Kotohira-gu, Toranomon, Tokyo, c. 1910.
Justice Ministry, Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, c. 1910.
Taishin-in (Supreme Court, or Court of Cassation), c. 1910.
Central Post Office, Marunouchi, c. 1933.
Josiah Conder: Department of the Navy, Kasumigaseki, c. 1910
Imperial Diet Building, Kasumigaseki, c. 1890-1940.
Kasumigaseki (Government District), c. 1910.