100 Steps Teahouse, Yokohama, c. 1910.

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100 Steps, Yokohama, c. 1910.

“The Hundred Steps Tea-house, on Sengen-yama (‘Proclamation Hill’), a ten-minute walk S.E. of the Grand Hotel (follow the creek to the 2d bridge, Maida-bashi, cross it and continue straight to the foot of the steepish flight of 102 stone steps), is celebrated locally as the one-time favorite shore resort of Commodore Perry.

“The original structure along with the Commodore’s autograph a poem written by him and other relics were burned many years ago. The present teahouse, the Fujita, left of the landing, now occupies the site, and visitors are shown albums with photographs autographs and visiting cards of those who have made the pilgrimage during the last 20 yrs. The chaya on the right the Fujimaya has a pergola festooned with fine wisteria – beautiful in May.

“The views over the town the sea the countryside and of Fuji are magnificent. The hill, observable at the W limit of the valley, is Noge-yama. The Shinto Shrine which once occupied a part of the crest of Sengen-yama has disappeared. Japanese often refer to the native circus rider who, in 1881 with his daughter, rode up the 102 steps on horseback, then rode down alone standing on his head on the horse holding an open fan between his toes.”

Terry’s Japanese Empire, T. Philip Terry, 1914

Whole View of Yokohama, c. 1920, from atop the "100 Steps".

Whole View of Yokohama, c. 1920, from atop the “100 Steps”.

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